Saturday, November 9, 2013

The IoT Role in Reducing Environmental Hazards.

Today, was the great day, I did attend the SIPA conference at Bay area. It was great session. The keynote was addressed by Ro Khanna, former member of Obama administration. He gave a very good speech around retaining and intellectual and manufacturing base in USA and also as how to foster the growth of technology in USA, etc. 

There were other 2 other sessions about Big Data and emerging trend in IoT (Internet of Things). The panel discussion was great about about the IoT etc. There were quite a few great Q&A sessions with the audience. The only thing which was really missing and no one addressed was the immediate impact of IoT in saving our environment and hazardous man made climate choking incidents that occur everyday basis across the world. 

The IoT talks mostly swirl around how a product manufacturer can save $$$ or better his/her products, but never is how a manufacturer must adapt IoT in order control and monitor environmental standards violations. I think it must be other way around.

My focus here is to bring much needed and immediate attention to IoT and environmental disasters that we can prevent in US and across the developing world.
For example, BP oil spill could have been prevented and could have reduced the environmental impact, if we had some kind of IoT technology available at that time. Nevertheless now we are at a time where we can make cheap affordable hardware/chips with mass production. I think technology community in silicon valley and policy makers in Washington must come together to use such technology to enforce EPA policies and when it comes environmental standards violations.

The most importantly we can use IoT is in reducing Carbon emissions in large industries. We can use IoT technology to monitor Carbon emissions before even they become big environmental disasters. The IoT can used to get rid of Carbon subsidies that industries buy.

What IoT means to countries like China, where most of the economy is based on manufacturing, with poor over sight and environmental standards. The companies who deal with the manufactures in China can use the IoT technology to monitor the violations and enforce strict environmental standards in order establish or do business partnerships with large companies in the US, Europe etc.

Now we have technology to beam the internet connection where ever we want in this world. like in Sahara desert, how we not use these kind of technologies to better our climate.

Big technology companies like Cisco, Intel, AMDs, Apple and retailers like Walmarts can come together to build a standard around IoT instead of proving who has the best standards, will only help the mankind. This is one of the greatest opportunity in the history where we can start fixing our mistakes instead of regretting them.

The IoT technology standardization and mass production will help gain an upper hand in monitoring and controlling incidents that cause severe climatic impact in the world we live in, we can show our next generation what measures we did undertake in order retain or better the climate that they live in.

The environment related talks must be the forefront when ever we talk about IoT or IoE (Internet of Everything). 

The IoT coupled with Big Data technology must be forefront for the discussion including the environment. 

I have a strong belief that technology community involved in creating the standardization will always keep environment in their thoughts first.

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